The Mysterious Case of the Undefined Method ‘broadcast’ in ActiveSupport::Logger
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The Mysterious Case of the Undefined Method ‘broadcast’ in ActiveSupport::Logger

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Are you tired of encountering the dreaded “undefined method `broadcast' for class ActiveSupport::Logger (NoMethodError)” error in your Rails application? Well, you’re not alone! This frustrating issue has plagued many a developer, leaving them scratching their heads and wondering what went wrong.

What is the `broadcast` method, anyway?

The `broadcast` method is a part of the ActiveSupport::Logger module, and it’s used to broadcast messages to a logger. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, it’s not as straightforward as it seems. In fact, the `broadcast` method is not even a standard part of the ActiveSupport::Logger module. So, what’s going on?

The Mystery Deepens

As it turns out, the `broadcast` method is actually a part of the Rails 5.1+ framework, specifically in the `rails/actioncable` gem. This gem provides real-time communication capabilities to your Rails application, and the `broadcast` method is a key part of it. But, if you’re not using ActionCable, you’ll get the “undefined method `broadcast' for class ActiveSupport::Logger (NoMethodError)” error.

Diagnosing the Problem

So, how do you diagnose the problem? Here are a few steps to help you get to the bottom of it:

  • Check your Rails version: Make sure you’re running Rails 5.1 or higher. If you’re running an earlier version, you won’t have access to the `broadcast` method.

  • Check your gemfile: Ensure that you have the `rails/actioncable` gem installed and required in your Gemfile.

  • Check your code: Take a closer look at the code where you’re calling the `broadcast` method. Is it being called on a logger instance? Is it being called in a context where ActionCable is not available?

Solving the Problem

Now that we’ve diagnosed the problem, let’s solve it! Here are a few solutions to get you up and running:

  1. Upgrade to Rails 5.1+: If you’re running an earlier version of Rails, upgrade to 5.1 or higher to get access to the `broadcast` method.

  2. Add the `rails/actioncable` gem: If you haven’t already, add the `rails/actioncable` gem to your Gemfile and run `bundle install`.

  3. Use a compatible logger: Instead of using the default ActiveSupport::Logger, try using a logger that’s compatible with ActionCable, such as the Rails::Logger or the ActiveSupport::TaggedLogger.

  4. Use a different broadcasting method: If you’re not using ActionCable, you might need to use a different method for broadcasting messages to your logger. For example, you could use the `info` or `debug` methods instead.

# Using the Rails::Logger

# Using the ActiveSupport::TaggedLogger"my_message")

# Using the info method"my_message")

# Using the debug method

Common Pitfalls and Gotchas

Even with the solutions above, you might still encounter some common pitfalls and gotchas. Here are a few to watch out for:

Pitfall Gotcha
Using the wrong logger Make sure you’re using a logger that’s compatible with ActionCable. If you’re using the default ActiveSupport::Logger, you’ll get the “undefined method `broadcast' for class ActiveSupport::Logger (NoMethodError)” error.
Not requiring ActionCable Make sure you’ve required the ActionCable gem in your Gemfile and have run `bundle install`.
Using the wrong broadcasting method Use the correct broadcasting method for your use case. If you’re not using ActionCable, you might need to use a different method, such as `info` or `debug`.


The “undefined method `broadcast' for class ActiveSupport::Logger (NoMethodError)” error can be frustrating, but it’s easily solvable with a little bit of detective work and some simple solutions. By following the steps outlined above, you should be able to get up and running with the `broadcast` method in no time.

Remember to diagnose the problem, check your Rails version and gemfile, and use a compatible logger and broadcasting method. With a little patience and persistence, you’ll be broadcasting messages like a pro!

If you have any further questions or need additional guidance, feel free to ask in the comments below. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the “undefined method `broadcast’ for class ActiveSupport::Logger (NoMethodError)” error? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What is causing the “undefined method `broadcast’ for class ActiveSupport::Logger (NoMethodError)” error?

This error occurs when you’re trying to use the `broadcast` method on an instance of `ActiveSupport::Logger`, which doesn’t have that method. It’s likely that you intended to use `ActionController::Base.broadcast` or another broadcast method from a different class.

How do I fix the “undefined method `broadcast’ for class ActiveSupport::Logger (NoMethodError)” error?

To fix this error, you need to identify where you’re calling the `broadcast` method and replace it with the correct method or class. Check your code for any mistaken usages of `ActiveSupport::Logger` and update them to use the correct broadcasting method.

What is the relationship between `ActiveSupport::Logger` and `broadcast` method?

`ActiveSupport::Logger` is a logging utility class in Rails, while the `broadcast` method is typically used for broadcasting messages to ActionCable channels or other broadcasting systems. These two are unrelated, and you shouldn’t be calling `broadcast` on a logger instance.

Can I use `ActiveSupport::Logger` for logging and broadcasting messages?

No, you shouldn’t use `ActiveSupport::Logger` for broadcasting messages. `ActiveSupport::Logger` is designed for logging purposes only. If you need to broadcast messages, use the appropriate broadcasting methods from ActionCable or other broadcasting systems.

How do I know if I’m using the correct broadcasting method?

Check the Rails documentation or the relevant Gem’s documentation to ensure you’re using the correct broadcasting method. Look for examples and references to the `broadcast` method in the context of ActionCable or other broadcasting systems. If you’re still unsure, seek help from a colleague or online community.

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