Demystifying Import Statements: Which is the Difference Between Two Different Imports?
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Demystifying Import Statements: Which is the Difference Between Two Different Imports?

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In the world of programming, importing modules and files is an essential part of building robust and efficient software. However, with the rise of different programming languages and frameworks, the way we import modules has changed significantly. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of imports and explore the differences between two common types of import statements.

The Basics of Import Statements

Before we dive into the differences, let’s first understand the basics of import statements. In most programming languages, an import statement is used to bring external modules or files into your current code. This allows you to use functions, classes, and variables from the imported module, making your code more concise and easier to maintain.

import module_name

In the example above, the `import` keyword is followed by the name of the module you want to import. This allows you to access the module’s contents, such as functions and variables, in your current code.

Default Import vs Named Import

Now that we have a basic understanding of import statements, let’s explore the two types of imports: default import and named import.

Default Import

A default import is the most common type of import statement. When you use a default import, you’re importing the entire module, including all its functions, classes, and variables.

import math

In the example above, we’re importing the entire `math` module. This allows us to access all the functions and variables defined in the `math` module, such as `sin()`, `cos()`, and `pi`.

Named Import

A named import, on the other hand, allows you to import specific functions, classes, or variables from a module.

from math import sin, cos

In the example above, we’re importing only the `sin()` and `cos()` functions from the `math` module. This allows us to use these specific functions in our code, without importing the entire module.

Type of Import Example Description
Default Import import math Imports the entire module, including all functions, classes, and variables.
Named Import from math import sin, cos Imports specific functions, classes, or variables from a module.

Benefits of Named Imports

Named imports offer several benefits over default imports, including:

  • Specificity**: Named imports allow you to import only what you need, reducing namespace pollution and making your code more readable.
  • Performance**: By importing only what you need, you can reduce the load on your application and improve performance.
  • Code Organization**: Named imports make it easier to organize your code, as you can import specific functions and variables from different modules.

When to Use Default Imports

While named imports offer several benefits, there are scenarios where default imports are more suitable:

  1. Legacy Code**: When working with legacy code, default imports might be necessary to maintain compatibility.
  2. Third-Party Libraries**: Some third-party libraries might require default imports to function correctly.
  3. Complex Modules**: When working with complex modules that have many dependencies, default imports can simplify the import process.

Best Practices for Import Statements

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when using import statements:

  • Be Specific**: Use named imports whenever possible to reduce namespace pollution and improve code readability.
  • Use Consistent Naming**: Use consistent naming conventions for your imports to make your code easier to read and maintain.
  • Avoid Circular Imports**: Avoid circular imports, where module A imports module B, and module B imports module A.
  • Use Import Aliases**: Use import aliases to rename imported modules or functions, making your code more readable and easier to maintain.
import math as m

In the example above, we’re importing the `math` module and renaming it to `m`. This allows us to use the `m` alias instead of the full module name, making our code more concise and easier to read.


In conclusion, understanding the difference between default import and named import is crucial for writing efficient and readable code. By following best practices and using the right type of import statement, you can improve your code’s performance, organization, and maintainability. Remember, specificity is key, and named imports can help you achieve that specificity.

So, the next time you’re writing import statements, ask yourself: “Which is the difference between two different imports?” The answer might just change the way you code.

Happy coding!

Here are 5 questions and answers about the difference between two different imports:

Frequently Asked Question

Ever wondered about the nuances between imports? Find out the answers to some frequently asked questions below!

What is the difference between default imports and named imports?

Default imports import the entire module or library, whereas named imports allow you to import specific functions, classes, or variables from a module. For example, `import math` (default) vs `from math import sin, cos` (named).

How does ES6 imports differ from CommonJS imports?

ES6 imports use the `import` keyword, are asynchronous, and support tree-shaking, whereas CommonJS imports use the `require` function, are synchronous, and don’t support tree-shaking. ES6 imports are more modern and widely used in modern JavaScript.

What is the difference between relative and absolute imports?

Relative imports use a relative path to import modules, whereas absolute imports use an absolute path. Relative imports are relative to the current file, whereas absolute imports are relative to the root of the project. For example, `from . import utils` (relative) vs `from my_package import utils` (absolute).

Can I use both default and named imports in the same statement?

Yes, you can use both default and named imports in the same statement. For example, `import React, { useState } from ‘react’;`. This imports the entire React module as well as the `useState` function.

How do I import external libraries in a Node.js project?

You can import external libraries in a Node.js project using npm or yarn. Once installed, you can import the library using a require statement or an ES6 import statement. For example, `const express = require(‘express’);` or `import express from ‘express’;`.