Unleash the Power of Apache Iceberg: Read Newly Added Records with Ease
Image by Selodonia - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleash the Power of Apache Iceberg: Read Newly Added Records with Ease

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Apache Iceberg, the game-changing open-source table format, has revolutionized the way we handle big data analytics. Its ability to efficiently store and query massive datasets has made it a favorite among data engineers and scientists. In this article, we’ll delve into the process of reading newly added records from Apache Iceberg, making it easier for you to unlock the full potential of your data.

Understanding Apache Iceberg

Before we dive into reading newly added records, it’s essential to have a solid grasp of Apache Iceberg’s architecture and core concepts. Iceberg is designed to provide a flexible and scalable solution for storing and querying large datasets. It consists of three primary components:

  • Table: A logical construct representing the dataset, comprising metadata and data files.
  • Metric: A quantifiable attribute used to measure and optimize query performance.
  • Snapshot: A point-in-time view of the table, containing metadata and data files.

Why Read Newly Added Records?

In many scenarios, it’s crucial to process and analyze newly added records in real-time or near-real-time. This can be especially important in applications such as:

  • Real-time analytics and reporting
  • Machine learning model training and inference
  • Event-driven architectures and stream processing

By reading newly added records, you can:

  • Improve data freshness and accuracy
  • Enhance system responsiveness and performance
  • Unlock new insights and opportunities

Setting Up Apache Iceberg

Before we dive into reading newly added records, ensure you have Apache Iceberg set up and configured properly. You can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Iceberg table using the CREATE TABLE statement:
  2. CREATE TABLE my_table (
        id INT,
        name STRING,
        email STRING
    ) USING iceberg;
  3. Insert some sample data:
  4. INSERT INTO my_table (id, name, email) VALUES
      (1, 'John Doe', 'johndoe@example.com'),
      (2, 'Jane Doe', 'janedoe@example.com'),
      (3, 'Richard Roe', 'richardroe@example.com');
  5. Verify the table structure and data:
    SELECT * FROM my_table;

Reading Newly Added Records

Now that you have Apache Iceberg set up and configured, let’s explore the various methods to read newly added records.

Method 1: Using the CHANGES Syntax

The CHANGES syntax is a powerful feature in Apache Iceberg that allows you to retrieve newly added records. You can use the following query:

WHERE scn = (SELECT max(scn) FROM my_table)
AND operation = 'insert';

This query returns all newly inserted records since the last snapshot.

Method 2: Using the FROM_CHANGE_SNAPSHOT Function

The FROM_CHANGE_SNAPSHOT function is another way to read newly added records. You can use the following query:

SELECT * FROM my_table
WHERE __commit_snapshots = FROM_CHANGE_SNAPSHOT(current_snapshot());

This query returns all records committed since the current snapshot.

Method 3: Using Apache Iceberg’s Incremental Scan

Apache Iceberg’s incremental scan feature allows you to read newly added records by scanning only the changed data. You can use the following query:

SELECT * FROM my_table
  SELECT * FROM my_table
  WHERE __commit_snapshots > (SELECT max(__commit_snapshots) FROM my_table)

This query returns all newly added records since the last scan.

Benchmarking and Optimizing Performance

When reading newly added records, it’s essential to optimize performance to minimize latency and maximize throughput. Here are some tips to help you benchmark and optimize performance:

Tuning Parameter Description
iceberg.snapshot-expire-after-ms Adjust the snapshot expire time to control the frequency of new snapshots
iceberg.scan-parallelism Increase parallelism to speed up scans and improve performance
iceberg.file-format Use an optimized file format, such as ORC or Parquet, for better compression and performance

By adjusting these tuning parameters, you can significantly improve performance and reduce latency when reading newly added records.


Reading newly added records from Apache Iceberg is a crucial aspect of real-time data analytics and processing. By following the methods and techniques outlined in this article, you can efficiently and effectively retrieve newly added records, unlocking the full potential of your data. Remember to optimize performance by adjusting tuning parameters and benchmarking your queries.

With Apache Iceberg, the possibilities are endless. So, what are you waiting for? Start reading newly added records today and take your data analytics to the next level!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on reading newly added records from Apache Iceberg!

Q1: What is the best way to read newly added records from Apache Iceberg?

To read newly added records from Apache Iceberg, you can use the `scan` method with a filter on the `commit_snapshot_id` column. This will allow you to read only the new records that have been added since the last commit. You can also use the `as_of_timestamp` method to read records as of a specific timestamp.

Q2: How do I handle deleted records when reading from Apache Iceberg?

When reading from Apache Iceberg, you can use the ` scan` method with a filter on the `is_deleted` column to exclude deleted records. You can also use the `RowDelta` interface to handle deleted records explicitly.

Q3: What is the performance impact of reading newly added records from Apache Iceberg?

The performance impact of reading newly added records from Apache Iceberg depends on the size of the data and the frequency of commits. However, Apache Iceberg is optimized for fast scanning and filtering, so the performance impact should be minimal. Additionally, you can use techniques like caching and indexing to improve performance.

Q4: Can I use Apache Iceberg with real-time data ingestion?

Yes, Apache Iceberg is designed to work with real-time data ingestion. You can use Apache Iceberg with streaming data sources like Apache Kafka or Apache Flink to ingest data in real-time. Apache Iceberg provides low-latency data ingestion and query capabilities, making it suitable for real-time data analytics.

Q5: How do I ensure data consistency when reading newly added records from Apache Iceberg?

To ensure data consistency when reading newly added records from Apache Iceberg, you can use transactions to ensure atomicity and consistency. Apache Iceberg provides transactional semantics, which ensure that either all changes are committed or none are. You can also use techniques like optimistic concurrency control to ensure data consistency.