How to Clean Specific Folder when Deploying to that Folder with ‘az webapp deploy’
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How to Clean Specific Folder when Deploying to that Folder with ‘az webapp deploy’

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When deploying your web application to Azure using the `az webapp deploy` command, you might have noticed that the deployment process doesn’t clean up the target folder before deploying the new code. This can lead to issues with lingering files and folders from previous deployments, causing unexpected behavior or errors in your application. In this article, we’ll explore how to clean a specific folder when deploying to that folder using `az webapp deploy`.

Why Clean the Folder?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand why cleaning the folder is essential. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Remove Leftover Files: When you deploy your application, the deployment process doesn’t automatically remove files and folders from previous deployments. These leftover files can cause issues, such as:
    • File conflicts: Old files can conflict with new files, leading to errors or unexpected behavior.
    • Performance issues: Leftover files can consume resources, causing performance degradation.
    • Security risks: Old files can contain security vulnerabilities, putting your application at risk.
  • Ensure Consistency: Cleaning the folder ensures that your application starts with a clean slate, guaranteeing consistency across deployments.
  • Simplify Troubleshooting: By removing leftover files, you can focus on troubleshooting issues related to the current deployment, rather than dealing with issues caused by previous deployments.

Using the `–clean` Option

Azure provides a built-in solution to clean the folder before deployment using the `–clean` option. This option is part of the `az webapp deployment` command and allows you to clean the target folder before deploying your application.

az webapp deployment source config --repo-url <repository-url> --branch <branch-name> --clean true

The `–clean` option takes a boolean value (true or false). When set to true, it will remove all files and folders in the target directory before deploying the new code.

Customizing the Cleaning Process

While the `–clean` option is a great starting point, you might need to customize the cleaning process to fit your specific requirements. Azure provides a more granular approach to cleaning using the `–clean-up` option.

az webapp deployment source config --repo-url <repository-url> --branch <branch-name> --clean-up <clean-up-config>

The `–clean-up` option takes a JSON object as its value, allowing you to specify which files and folders to remove. Here’s an example:

  "RemoveFiles": ["*.tmp", "*.log"],
  "RemoveFolders": ["older_than_7_days", "folder_to_delete"],
  "ExcludeFiles": [" important_file.txt", "important_folder/"]

In this example, the cleaning process will:

  • Remove all files with the `.tmp` or `.log` extension.
  • Remove folders named `older_than_7_days` and `folder_to_delete`.
  • Exclude files named `important_file.txt` and all files within the `important_folder` directory.

Cleaning Specific Folders

Sometimes, you might want to clean specific folders within your web application. Azure provides the `–clean-target` option to target specific folders for cleaning.

az webapp deployment source config --repo-url <repository-url> --branch <branch-name> --clean-target <folder-path>

Replace `` with the path to the folder you want to clean. For example:

az webapp deployment source config --repo-url <repository-url> --branch <branch-name> --clean-target /wwwroot/static

This command will clean the `/wwwroot/static` folder before deploying your application.

Real-World Scenarios

Let’s explore some real-world scenarios where cleaning specific folders comes in handy:

Scenario Folders to Clean
Cleaning temp files generated during build /wwwroot/temp
Removing logs from previous deployments /wwwroot/logs
Cleaning cache files /wwwroot/cache


In this article, we’ve explored the importance of cleaning specific folders when deploying to that folder using `az webapp deploy`. We’ve covered the `–clean` option, customizing the cleaning process with `–clean-up`, and targeting specific folders with `–clean-target`. By implementing these strategies, you can ensure a clean and consistent deployment process, reducing errors and issues in your web application.

Remember to adapt these techniques to your specific deployment needs and take advantage of Azure’s robust deployment features to streamline your development workflow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What happens if I don’t clean the folder before deployment?

A: If you don’t clean the folder, leftover files and folders from previous deployments can cause issues, such as file conflicts, performance degradation, and security risks.

Q: Can I clean specific files instead of folders?

A: Yes, you can clean specific files using the `–clean-up` option and specifying the file patterns or names in the JSON object.

Q: How do I exclude certain files or folders from being cleaned?

A: You can exclude files or folders by specifying them in the `ExcludeFiles` or `ExcludeFolders` properties of the `–clean-up` JSON object.

Q: Can I automate the cleaning process using Azure Pipelines?

A: Yes, you can automate the cleaning process using Azure Pipelines by incorporating the `az webapp deployment` command into your pipeline script.

Q: Are there any performance implications when cleaning large folders?

A: Yes, cleaning large folders can impact performance. Be cautious when cleaning large folders, and consider optimizing your deployment process to minimize the impact.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to deploy your web app with ease! Here are the top 5 questions and answers on how to clean a specific folder when deploying to that folder with ‘az webapp deploy’.

How do I clean a specific folder before deploying my web app using ‘az webapp deploy’?

You can use the `–clean` option followed by the folder path you want to clean. For example, `az webapp deploy –clean “wwwroot/myfolder”` will clean the `myfolder` folder before deploying your web app.

What if I want to clean multiple folders at once?

Easy peasy! You can separate the folder paths with commas. For example, `az webapp deploy –clean “wwwroot/myfolder,wwwroot/anotherfolder”` will clean both `myfolder` and `anotherfolder` before deploying your web app.

Will the `–clean` option delete all files and subfolders in the specified folder?

Yes, it will! Be careful when using `–clean` as it will recursively delete all files and subfolders in the specified folder. Make sure to use it with caution and only on folders that you intend to clean.

Can I clean a folder without deploying my web app?

Yes, you can! Use the `–clean` option with the `–dry-run` option to clean the folder without actually deploying your web app. For example, `az webapp deploy –clean “wwwroot/myfolder” –dry-run` will clean the `myfolder` folder without deploying your web app.

Are there any limitations to using the `–clean` option with `az webapp deploy`?

Yes, there are some limitations! The `–clean` option only works when deploying to a folder on a Windows-based App Service plan. If you’re deploying to a Linux-based App Service plan, you’ll need to use a different method to clean your folder.